What New Moms Should Know About CBD
While more research needs to be done on the subject, many feel CBD can provide benefits to new and expectant mothers.
There are two things we know for certain. First, research has shown that, for a number of reasons, pregnant or nursing women should avoid ingesting THC. The second is that while the benefits of CBD have been praised in the health community, the research on how CBD may or may not impact new and expectant mothers is extremely limited. So here’s what we can deduce so far. CBD has been known to help reduce and provide relief for nausea and vomiting, two conditions common in pregnant women. CBD is also used as a sleep aid, which can help moms with insomnia, and women dealing with anxiety during their postpartum period have experienced relief using CBD products.
Check out this article for more detailed information, but always make sure to consult with your physician before adding CBD to your health regimen if you are a new or expectant mother.
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