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After a Six-Year Back-and-Forth Battle, Foie Gras May Be Banned Again in California

This time it might be “adieu” … for real.

Foie gras, which means “fat liver” in French and is made from the livers of ducks or geese, was banned by a measure in 2004 that went into effect in 2012, but was struck down in 2015 when its producers challenged the law.

According to KCET, “U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson of Los Angeles struck down the statute, ruling that it conflicted with a federal law that prohibits states from imposing ingredient requirements that differ from federal requirements for poultry products.”

But a ruling last year by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said “the force-feeding required in producing foie gras does not concern an ingredient, but rather the way the birds are treated while alive.” To make fois gras, the birds are typically force-fed through a tube in order to enlarge their livers.

When the U.S. Supreme Court declined without comment to review last years ruling to uphold the original law, fois gras procured by this method will likely be eliminated from menus in the near future.

You can read more about the legal battle over the controversial cuisine here.


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