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Alone Together: A New Golden State Spotify Playlist

A special selection of songs to help pass the time.

With all of us spending a lot more time at home these days, it’s important to pull away from the 24-hour news cycle lurking within our phones and instead focus on creating a positive headspace where we can make the most out of this strange and uncertain time together. Maybe that’s a virtual happy hour with your friends or a FaceTime with a grandparent across the country. Rediscover your block and the people on your street, or take part in any of the amazing online classes different companies are offering up.

When life feels completely unexplainable, we know we can always look to music to help make sense of it all. That’s why we took a minute to assemble a few of our favorite songs to help you pass the time while we all stay safe at home. Some of these selections are guaranteed to make you laugh, some will make you move, and all of them will hopefully make you think. Until we can all gather again, stay home, stay positive, and enjoy this special playlist.

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