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Your Favorite California National Park Will Be Free to Enter This Sunday

Yosemite, Muir Woods, Joshua Tree… all gratis.

If you are looking at a big empty space on your Sunday calendar and wondering what you could do to fill it, how about a visit to one of the Golden State’s treasured National Parks?

On Sunday, August 25, every Park Service site across the nation will offer free admission to visitors. If you can’t make it this Saturday, the parks will also offer free days on September 28 and November 11. Can’t decide which one to tour? KQED provided some highlights to entice you:

Muir Woods

“Home to towering ancient coast redwoods, Muir Woods—a short drive north from the Golden Gate Bridge—is still breathtaking, no matter how many times you’ve visited. The raised accessible boardwalk means this national park is particularly suited to visiting folks with reduced mobility, wheelchair users and families with kids.”


“Less than four hours’ drive from the Bay Area, Yosemite National Park offers iconic rock formations like El Capitan, incredible waterfalls, ancient giant sequoias and a huge expanse of wilderness.”

Joshua Tree

“Joshua Tree National Park’s famously surreal landscape brings together the two distinct desert ecosystems of the Mojave and the Colorado, and offers some of the darkest night skies around.”

Go here for more information.

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